I've been MIA for a bit (thanks Jess for posting tons of projects when I had nothing scheduled!) so I'll tell you about a few of the things I've been working on. But first, The Sad Tale of the Popcorn Dress:
I found the cutest, most amazing fabric for Sophie's Christmas dress. It was gray with unicorns and rainbows and was completely fabulous. I couldn't buy it right then because she was with me, so I came back the next day and no one could find it. Anywhere. Ugh. Countdown was on and no fabric.
In another fabric store a few days later, I go looking for a replacement. Voila! Popcorn print! Sophie LOVES popcorn, she'll be thrilled! Match colours for the bodice, take it home and sew late into the night.
Christmas morning, no real reaction but she gets such a crazy amount of stuff that I'm not worried. Over the next few weeks I bring it up here and there; "Hey want to wear your popcorn dress today?". No. She does not. We discuss shortening it to a shirt because she's on a dress strike because Papa keeps calling her Princess when she wears one and it upsets her. She agrees but still isn't excited so I put it off. Turns out the entire problem with this dress is that she doesn't like one of the colours of the popcorn. I promptly gave up and had her give it to her cousin. If Katie hates it I don't want to know about it. :P
Epilogue: A friend posted some facebook pictures of a dress in the unicorn fabric not too long ago. I was so excited and it turns out she'd bought it quite recently! I showed Sophie, she liked it and off to the store we went. After a brief repeat of no one being able to find it again, we manage to buy a meter and take it home. A few days later I take it out to brainstorm what to make her out of it and... she doesn't like it anymore. Sewing for 4 year olds is not for the faint of heart.
Wow, super blurry. Sorry I didn't notice when I uploaded it! |
So some of the other things I've been working on are patching the knees of a bunch of size 3 pants I got off of freecycle. Deacon went and outgrew everything recently so I'd better get the other pairs finished!
Here is a mystery picture for you, can you guess what project I've started with these spoons?
I've also been de-cluttering like a crazy person. It feels GREAT. It's both a lot of work and the best stress reliever ever. Seriously, if you're the sentimental or indecisive sort than start sorting something when you're frustrated about the disaster the kids have made of you're house. You'll be wonderfully brutal about what goes! For fun I've been marking how often a grocery bag full of things leave my house. I'm almost at 40 bags! It's really motivating to have the space and makes me want to keep going!