Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Plant a row Grow a row

I can't begin to describe how excited I for spring, but I'll try. Our seeds are in, our gardens are planned, and by the time this post is published, many of our plants will have been started indoors already. The wood for most of our garden boxes is in the garage, waiting to be used and made into our square foot garden beds once the snow has melted. The first weekend of March was spent at couple garden shows and making the cards below for our kids to send to their friends along with some springtime love, aka seeds to sow and well wishes for the new season.

Katie did the light pink and DJ did the dark pink ones. Painted with forks <3 I don't usually do structured crafts, but they didn't complain because they got to paint with forks.
At the smaller garden show, called 'Seedy Saturday' which was held at the small town community hall in Utopia Ontario, not only did we pick up more seeds, but tons of information on upcoming events in the area. One table was advertising growing food for the food bank, which of course makes us want to build a few more boxes. I think it will be a great project for our whole family to partake in. If you have extra space at your house, why not join in? Go to and check it out! Now! Soak up some sun this summer while making memories with your family and helping those in need.

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